Competitive grassland systems, such as yearround outdoor stock keeping of suckler cows or beef cattle herds, became more important during the last years particularly for peripheral sites in Central Europe (Langholz, 1992; Opitz von Boberfeld, 1997; Möller et al., 2002). Thereby, the extension of the grazing period into late autumn and winter by using autumn saved herbage reduces the supply of cost intensive preserved forage such as silage or hay (Hughes, 1954; Boeker, 1957; Corbett, 1957; Deblitz et al., 1993; Freeze, 1999). Regarding
the animal welfare during winter grazing, autumn saved herbage as the main pasture source has to provide the grazing livestock with an adequate supply of herbage mass and forage quality (Opitz von Boberfeld, 1997). Available knowledge about DM yield and DOM, as an important feature determining forage quality, is limited to findings from the USA (Taylor and Templeton, 1976; Balasko, 1977; Matches, 1979; Bartholomew et al., 1997), but due to the increasing importance of winter grazing systems, recent results from investigations in Central Germany were released by Opitz von Boberfeld and Wöhler (2002), Opitz von Boberfeld and Wolf (2002), Wolf (2002) and Wöhler (2003). DM yield and DOM of autumn saved herbage strongly depend on the length of the growing period before winter and the date of utilisation in winter (Gardner and Hunt, 1955; errish et al., 1994), whereas the special climatic conditions during winter additionally influence the development of DM yield and DOM decisively (Baker at al., 1965; Balasko, 1977). A shorter growing period before winter utilisation improved DOM, but it led to lower DM yields at the same time (Opitz von Boberfeld and Wolf, 2002; Wolf and Opitz von Boberfeld, 2003). Wolf (2002) demonstrated a superior role of the winter-green
species Festuca arundinacea for winter grazing in Central Germany. Furthermore, Wöhler (2003) demonstrated that autumn saved herbage based on the existing plant communities Lolio- or Festuco-
Cynosuretum in peripheral sites of Central Germany produced sufficient DM yield and DOM for suckler
cows or beef cattle until the end of the year. In the context of these results winter grazing could also
be interesting for farmers in Poland, Hungary and in the Czech Republic (Golinski et al., 2003; Tasi
et al., 2003; Skladanka, 2004), but knowledge about the effects of different agronomical measures under
these climatic conditions is hardly available. Besides, some investigations revealed that under low-input conditions different sites conformed to similar DM productivity and forage quality during the growing season (Opitz von Boberfeld and Sterzenbach, 1999; Buchgraber and Pötsch, 2000) and in winter (Wöhler, 2003; Banzhaf, 2004). In this context an international project was established investigating the influence of pre-utilisation and date of winter harvest on DM yield and forage quality of autumn saved herbage at sites in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland compared to data from Central Germany. This paper presents the
results concerning DM yield and DOM, the 2nd communication (Opitz von Boberfeld et al.,
The trials were established in low-input pasture systems as randomised block designs with three replications at five different sites in Central Europe. Data describing site specific conditions and the dominating species are given in Table 1. The swards in Elkenroth I (Germany) and Brody (Poland) were classified as Lolio-Cynosuretum, Elkenroth II (Germany) as Festuco-Cynosuretum community. Vatin (Czech Republic) was Festuco- Cynosuretum as well, but had a higher proportion of different species of other plant communities.
In Gödöllö (Hungary) the trial was established on a permanent Festuca arundinacea sward. In general, all examined swards were dominated by grass species at a proportion >80%. Simulating the deposition of excreta by grazing ruminants, each year all plots were fertilised with
observed over three consecutive years. Besides the influence of the factor site, the other factors were: pre-utilisation (accumulation before utilisation in winter since the beginning of June, July or August) and date of winter harvest (beginning of November, mid-December or end of January). To determine DM yield, the plots were harvested at a standardised stubble height of
two in Vatin made it impossible to do the harvest on schedule. Consequently, cuts on these variants were postponed to February and March, respectively. For analyses, samples from each plot were dried at
differences (LSDsite/pre-utilisation/winter harvest date) at P < 0.05 were calculated. Generally, the years were observed separately to avoid interactions of higher order which would be difficult to interpret.
Table 1. Site specific data
Site | Elkenroth I, Germany | Elkenroth II, Germany | Brody, Poland | Gödöllö, Hungary | Vatin, Czech Republic |
Region | Lahn-Dill region | Lahn-Dill region | Wielkopolska region | Central Danubia | Bohemian-Moravian uplands |
Altitude (m above sea level) | 420 | 460 | 92 | 230 | 553 |
Mean annual temperature (°C) | 6.7 | 6.7 | 8.0 | 11.5 | 6.1 |
Soil type | Cambisol | Stagnic Luvisol | Poorly mineralised Histosol | Dystric Cambisol | Stagnic Luvisol |
pH (in 0.01 MCaCl2) | 5.3 | 4.5 | 6.5 | 3.9 | 5.6 |
P (mg/kg soil)* | 27.9 | 14.8 | 240.0 | 62.5 | 7.8 |
K (mg/kg soil)* | 50.6 | 66.4 | 116.2 | 239.0 | 102.9 |
Dominating species | Holcus lanatus, Poa trivialis | Festuca rubra | Poa pratensis | Festuca arundinacea | Festuca rubra Elymus repens |
*available nutrients were determined according to the calcium acetate lactate (CAL) extraction method
Table 2. Days with snow cover from November to January in three years of observations
Month | | Year 1 | | | Year 2 | | | Year 3 | | | Average | |
Site | XI. | XII. | I. | XI. | XII. | I. | XI. | XII. | I. | XI. | XII. | I. |
Elkenroth, Germany | 9 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 6 | 12 | 0 | 13 | 14 | 3.0 | 10.1 | 10.1 |
Brody, Poland | 0 | 8 | 6 | 0 | 13 | 21 | 0 | 5 | 11 | 0.0 | 8.7 | 12.7 |
Gödöllö, Hungary | 0 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 31 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 9 | 1.7 | 12.3 | 4.3 |
Vatin, Czech Republic | 0 | 3 | 22 | 4 | 30 | 27 | 3 | 17 | 15 | 2.3 | 16.7 | 21.3 |
Dry matter yield
In all years the interaction winter harvest date × site was the most important interaction (Table 3); depending on the year, the DM yields of the different sites did not change uniformly during winter (Figure 1). In the first year the DM yields in Gödöllö and Vatin hardly changed with advancing winter, but at the other sites DM yields decreased significantly from November to January. While the interaction during the second winter was simply caused by different extents of decrease at the sites, different development of DM yields in Brody and Gödöllö in contrast to the other sites led to the significance of the interaction during the last year. The increase in
DM production from December to January at the site Gödöllö can apparently be attributed to the delayed
harvest date because of the lasting snow cover during that winter and therefore it is of no significance.
In contrast to the results of the other sites, the factor pre-utilisation had no relevant effect on the DM yield in Gödöllö at several winter harvest dates, so that the interaction pre-utilisation × site occurred in the last two years. In all years, winter harvest date was the main source of variance for DM yields during winter; the postponing of winter harvest caused lower DM yields. In some cases 90% of DM yield was lost between November and January. Depending on year and site, the impact of the factor pre-utilisation varied, but in the majority of cases the herbage saved since June reached the highest DM yields. The influence of the factor site was verified each year, but dependent on the year the ranking order of the sites regarding the DM productivity varied and could not be identified clearly. Furthermore, yields were frequently comparatively low (below
1 t/ha) in January so that differences between sites were predominantly relevant at the beginning of winter only.
Irrespective of the site and pre-utilisation DM yields of autumn saved herbage were mainly affected by the date of utilisation in winter (Figu- re 1). In accordance with observations from the northern part of the USA (Archer and Decker, 1977; Balasko, 1977; Fribourg and Bell, 1984) and recent results from Central Germany (Wolf, 2002; Wöhler, 2003) DM yields declined with advancing winter. The growths were affected by decomposition processes connected with senescence (Marschner, 1995) and unfavourable weather conditions during winter.
Figure 1. DM yield depending on pre-utilisation, winter harvest date and site
Figure 2. Digestibility of organic matter depending on pre-utilisation, winter harvest date and site
The great importance of winter weather conditions for yield and herbage quality was also described by Baker et al. (1965), Balasko (1977), Prigge et al. (1999), Wolf and Opitz von Boberfeld (2003), Wöhler (2003). Regarding the present results, the prevailing climatic conditions of the regions in Germany, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic influenced DM decisively and were responsible for different dry matter productivity of the sites.
The sites in Elkenroth and Brody were affected by rather a humid atmosphere with comparatively milder winter weather. In spite of the different altitudes of these sites, they showed similar dry matter productivity. The highest DM yields were attained in winters with favourable growing conditions until December (year two in Elkenroth, year one in Brody). Due to rather continental climate snow cover at the sites Gödöllö and Vatin can be expected already at the end of the year. Especially during the second winter the lasting snow layer in December inhibited the harvest (Table 2). Winter grazing was not possible at that time, which emphasises
the decisive role of considering the site dependent prevailing weather conditions. Furthermore, the climatic conditions led to different changes in the DM yield level during winter, demonstrated by the significance of the interaction winter harvest date × site, but these differences were dependent on the year and occurred nconsistently. Generally, the conformable development of DM yields during winter caused by similar altitude or plant community could not be ascertained, obviously due to the low-input production system and greater importance of weather conditions (Opitz von Boberfeld and Wöhler, 2002; Wöhler, 2003). In agreement
with Archer and Decker (1977), Balasko (1977) and Wöhler (2003) the tendency that a long growing period before winter resulted in the highest DM yields could be observed. The growths pre-utilised in August frequently produced DM yields below 1 t/ha for grazing ruminants already in November. The effect of pre-utilisation was predominantly observable at the beginning of winter, but it became significantly smaller as the winter advanced so that in January the effect of lower DM yields due to a later date of pre-utilisation was negligible. The decline of DOM with later harvest date in winter (Figure 2) was also examined under the conditions of Central Germany by Opitz von Boberfeld and Wolf (2002). Obviously, the changes in DOM
concentration in the herbage mass were caused by the increasing content of structural material with advancing maturity (Opitz von Boberfeld, 1994). Based on that process, the frequently higher DOM concentrations of the growths pre-utilised in August compared to those saved since June or July could also be explained by the comparably physiologically younger status of these variants. Furthermore, as stated by Wolf (2002) and Wöhler (2003) for Central Germany, the weather conditions during winter (mild or severe) were decisive for the extent of the decline. Different climatic conditions at the sites might have been the reason for the site
dependent extents of decline. Especially during the severe second winter at the site in Vatin, the snow cover from December to the end of January led to a distinctive decrease in DOM concentration. Furthermore, only at this site did the factor pre-utilisation have no relevant effect. For a sufficient supply of grazing ruminants the autumn saved herbage should have at least 50% DOM of dry matter (Collins and Balasko, 1981). While the
growths of most sites reached that value until the end of the year, the herbage harvested in Vatin contained
insufficient DOM concentrations already in December. Even under consideration of the ability to select for herbage with higher nutritive value (Opitz von Boberfeld, 1994) and the individual differences between the particular grazing animals (Menke, 1987), the lasting snow layer as well as the inadequate DOM concentration would shorten the winter grazing period. For all years and irrespective of the factors preutilisation and site, the date of winter harvest was the dominating effect for the development of DM yield as well as the DOM concentration during winter. In conclusion, the autumn saved herbage, preutilised in July, could provide an adequate quantity and DOM for suckler cows or beef cattle herds, but the prevailing climatic conditions, especially early snow cover, associated with a distinctive decrease in quality, enable the extension of the grazing period until the end of the year site dependently. This yearly varying fact as well as other examined quality aspects, presented in the second part of this paper (Opitz von Boberfeld et al.,
be taken into consideration for the final estimation. So far, the use of preserved forage such as silage or
hay has to be taken into account in regions with early and snow rich winters. In the case of stronger
influences on the differentiation of vegetation cover (Hopkins and Hrabě, 2001; Klimeš et al., 2001) it
seems to be suitable to apply the following treatment of pastures (especially the harvest of ungrazed
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